To achieve a goal make it SMART!

Specific – Don’t be too vague when making your goal. Ask yourself questions like what do I want to accomplish? Why is this important to me? and how am I going to achieve this goal?

Measurable – Make a goal which is measurable, how are you doing to measure your progress? Ask yourself how long do I want this to take? Can I work towards this daily or does it need to be weekly? How much of this can I get done in a day/week?

Attainable- Don’t give yourself an unrealistic goal and set it up to fail. Give yourself an achievable attainable goal. Ask yourself questions like can I afford to take this step right now? What would prevent me from doing it? is it realistic in my current daily plan?

Relevant –  When setting a relevant goal make sure to review it and that it aligns with where you are at right now. Ask yourself questions like why do I want to achieve this goal? What would it mean for me to achieve it? Does this fit in with my other goals and does it align with my future?

Time- How long do you want this goal to take? make sure you give yourself a realistic time frame and ask yourself what can I do now to make sure my goal is achieved by the date i’ve set myself? Break down the goal into section’s of time based activities.