Have you ever wondered what successful people do at the weekends? The dreary tasks of cleaning, washing and folding are not what successful people do on their weekends. Instead, they spend their days off allowing their brains to reboot after a week of work. These seven weekend habits are the secret to successfully having the upper hand on a Monday!


Creating a plan is the crucial first step to ensuring any kind of success. Your weekend plan does not have to be minute by minute, however creating a small list of goals or activities allows you to have something to aim towards. Without one, it’s easy to wind up doing nothing.

Limit Chores

Successful people do not spend their entire weekend the bathroom, mopping the floors or folding piles of washing. We’re not saying to avoid doing these things, because unfortunately they have to be done. What were are suggesting though, is to keep the list short, and to get it out the way as soon as possible. That way, you can enjoy your weekend without the dreary chores looming, and you can come back to a clean house when it’s time to relax!


Reflecting on areas of your personal and work life is important for your growth, and creating those next steps. Revisiting your goals each week is a valuable habit to get into, and adapting your short term goals when needed is an important thing to do to help you move forward. Creating small achievable goals for the week ahead can help you start with a positive attitude and drive your motivation.


The next activity that successful people do in their weekend is socialise. Spending quality time with friends and family increases your happiness, and allows you to enjoy your time away from work. Connecting with people you love outside of your workplace is important for your own mental/emotional health, and allows you to relax.


The pandemic has increased the amount of time we spend on our devices, and staring at a screen has become a huge part of our day to day lives. It is important to take a break from all screens, even if it’s only for an hour or two. Creating healthy boundaries especially at the dinner table and at bedtime can significantly better your mood.


Do something for you. Giving yourself a break, even from things you enjoy is important to recharge yourself for the week ahead. Taking the dog for a walk, reading a book, playing a game of cards or cooking dinner are all ways in which you can slow down.


The last step, but definitely not least, in creating successful weekend habits. Exercising is great for both you physical health and your mental health. There are so many ways in which you can get out and about to blow off some steam! Joining a gym, signing up to a class, taking a hike out in nature, doing some yoga or going for a swim are all ways you can get your blood pumping! Find an activity you love and make time for it each weekend – you’ll notice a difference!

Let us know how you feel after applying these steps to your weekend and what difference you feel. It’s not always easy to step back, but it is important for your productivity throughout your working week and for all aspects of your wellbeing too.