How business owners can establish work-life boundaries with rapid growth in their company

1. Focus on the Things That Really Matter

Most people don’t focus on the things that really matter. If you plan your day out, it typically goes much better than being reactive. It can be very hard, but it keeps you from doing things like spending three hours to mail something trivial.

2. Set a Hard Stopping Time Each Day

Set a hard stopping time each day and stick to it. I fell into the trap of working 16-hour days for a long time and would start procrastinating since I could ‘just get it done tonight.’ I found that when I set a hard stop at 6 p.m., I actually started getting more done in less time and my business flourished because of it.

3. Spend Time With Family And Friends Every Week

Making the effort to spend time with family and friends every week (without answering emails or taking calls during that time) is very important for balancing work with life. If you’re going out to dinner with your family or friends, leave the phone at home or in the car so you’re fully present.

4. Explain Why You Work Long Hours

There is nothing more destructive to your personal relationships than forgetting to explain to your loved ones why you are working long hours. Taking the time to explain your desired working hours, and what you hope to achieve in the short term, will help them to better accommodate your endeavours. The last thing an entrepreneur need is confused home life.

5. Try to Keep Work Off Your Phone

If you’re able, try to keep work off your phone and limit it to just your computer. That way, when you finish the day and walk away from your computer, you won’t be hounded by incoming work messages or notifications. Work-life balance can be critical to your success and longevity, so make sure you invest in it.

6. Have Two Separate Phones

If possible, have two phones — one for work and one for your private life. Things can get messy when you have everything coming to one phone. It can make switching off impossible. You need to avoid burning out as this can be detrimental to your performance. Always work on maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Think of your brain as a muscle. If it doesn’t get time to rest, it won’t perform at its best.

7. Explore Automation Tools and Platforms

Business owners need to explore tools and platforms that can automate tasks. It’s also worth considering hiring a virtual assistant to help out. Although these steps may be an added expense, you’re freeing up more time that can be put into your personal needs. Time is the most valuable thing you have, which is why you should reduce your workload and focus on your personal life.

8. Take Advantage of ‘Away’ and ‘Snooze’

Take advantage of ‘away’ and ‘snooze’ functions. As business owners, you must set this standard and not respond to messages or concerns unless they are deemed an emergency. Set these standards of availability as boundaries and transgression.

9. Delegate Smaller Tasks to Other Members

I’ve found that by delegating smaller tasks to others. If you can’t afford to have your own team or hiring an assistant, ask friends or family to help you. You will be surprised by the willingness to help you succeed in your business. I’m able to have a decent work-life balance. Instead of putting everything on your shoulders, think about how you can bring others together to solve some of these problems. In many cases, a lack of balance occurs when a business owner thinks that they need to have a hand in every single thing that happens